How to Join Calverton & District u3a
To become a member of Calverton and District u3a you need to complete an application form which is available from one of our Membership Secretaries at a monthly meeting, or you can download it by clicking HERE.
Please hand your completed form with cash or cheque (details on the form) to the Membership Secretary or send by post.
If renewing by post, please enclose a self addressed and stamped envelope for the return of your new membership card.
Contact details for our Membership Secretaries are shown on the application form (cheque only).
We look forward to meeting you.
How to Renew Your Membership
Our membership year runs from April 1st to March 31st each year, and memberships need to be renewed in March or April.
Renewal forms are available from the membership secretaries in March and April of each year or you can download HERE.