
The Bridge group meets every first and third Wednesdays in the month in the small meeting room in Calverton Village Hall.  Joint convenors are Tony Ward and David Vanner.  The cost to cover Room Hire is £4 which includes refreshments.

This interest group has been in existence almost as long as Calverton u3a itself.  We all started off as beginners, but thanks to the tutelage of Tony Ward, we can now call ourselves, “improvers”.  Several of our members have gone on to play regularly at Nottingham Bridge Club.  If you have played Bridge in the past and wish to resume your interest in this absorbing, frustrating, but ultimately fascinating game where each hand dealt is totally different from the one before, we would love to hear from you.  Similarly though, if you would like to try a taste, please come and join us; we are a small but friendly group.  Warning: Bridge can be addictive.

Contact: or 0115 8450697