Interest Groups

Our special interest groups allow members of Calverton & District u3a to learn new skills, enjoy new and old interests, and have fun – along with other members who will probably become your friends!

You don’t have to join a group (or several) but you’ll get the most from your membership if you do.

Each group will have a named leader(called the group convenor) who will organise the meetings. The locations, times and dates of group meetings are entirely up to the group members.

Whilst some groups (such as walking or those that meet in members’ homes) may not have any expenses, other groups will generally have a small attendance fee to cover room hire, refreshments, materials, etc.

If you are interested in a particular group, please contact the group coordinator for further information. If there is no convenor listed then contact

Click on the headings below to learn more

Our list of interest groups is being expanded all of the time. Don’t be shy about contacting one of the Groups Coordinators HERE if you would like to see a particular group set up.

You can also download a list of groups organised by week / day / time of the meeting by clicking HERE.